CoMeT Measuring System
The CoMeT system is used to measure the screening effectiveness (transfer impedance, screening attenuation and coupling attenuation) of coaxial and
symmetrical cables, connectors, bushings, distribution components, etc.
The original CoMeT (Coupling Measuring Tube) has grown into a complete system. In principle, a cable measuring station consists of the following basic components:

Measuring case (CoMeT / basic system)
In addition to differently dimensioned round tube systems for cables and
connectors, there are also so-called “triaxial cells” that provide a larger
measuring chamber volume for parts that do not fit into one of the tubes
due to their geometry (sockets, distributors, etc.).
All high-quality hardware is manufactured exclusively for us by Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik, Tittmoning. System development is carried out in close cooperation with Rosenberger specialists. Product documents and spare parts catalogues can be downloaded below.

Control and evaluation software (WinCoMeT)
The WinCoMeT software was developed and written by ourselves from more than 60 years of experience in special cable production and is further developed and continuously maintained through updates and new versions to meet customer requirements and standardization specifications.
In combination with this software, bda EMC measuring stations enable the measurement of transmission parameters such as attenuation, characteristic impedance, propagation velocity, asymmetry attenuation, crosstalk attenuation (NEXT and FEXT), reflux attenuation, reflection and dielectric constant in addition to the possibilities of CoMeT.
Measurement results can be documented, printed and archived. It is therefore the optimal supplement for cost-efficient working with the CoMeT system. WinCoMeT simplifies the execution of measurements and documentation.
A function-limited demo version is available for download below. It runs indefinitely and provides the essential functions. Some measurements, the printout, the saving and the export of the measurement results are not possible.
Here you find the documentation for WinCoMeT:
WinCoMeT – Documentation
WinCoMeT – Demo version – Version 3.74 (11MB)

Network Analyzer / Vector Analyzer
In WinCoMeT network analyzers of all well-known suppliers, like Rohde & Schwarz , Agilent etc. etc. are already integrated and can be used immediately. The WinCoMeT software contains the required parameters of the common vector analyzers and the device list is kept up to date by updates.
If you want to use a network analyzer that is not yet included, we can easily update this model.
You want to get more detailed information?
Here you find our current brochure for download or as flip catalogue.
Accessories for the measuring system can be found in the CoMeT spare parts list.