CoMeT Test System
In the context of increasing of any kind of electromagnetic interference, investigation of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of electrical and electronic systems is of growing importance. Rosenberger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG and bda connectivity GmbH are world-class companies, whose names stand for trendsetting high-frequency technologies, standard custom solutions as well as cable connections for highest user demands. The CoMeT system measures in accordance to the proven and international standardized triaxial test method. The test method is not sensitive to external electromagnetic interference and fast and well reproducible. The measuring range is from DC to 9 (18) GHz. There is no emission of electromagnetic disturbances. Transfer impedance and screening attenuation of communication cables and cable assemblies can be measured with one test set-up. By the triaxial cell, special attention is paid to the shielding effectiveness of HV cables for electric vehicles. (Acc. to standards IEC 62153-4-3 IEC 62153-4-4, IEC 62153-4-7, IEC 62153-4-9, IEC62153-4-10 and IEC 62153-4-15)
With CoMeT 40, CoMeT 90, CoMeT-K and the different sizes of Triaxial cells, a family of products for the measurement of EMC performance of numerous components is available.

You want to get more detailed information?
Here you find our current brochure for download or as flip catalogue.
Accessories for the measuring system can be found in the CoMeT spare part list.